Nithin David

Hey there,
I’m a developer & designer from Bangalore, India, focused on design and development of great web and mobile apps. I also do User Interface Designs & illustrations for my side projects. I learned them out of passion and curiosity towards art and it really helps me craft apps with beautiful interfaces.

I started my career back in 2014 with FreshWorks, Which was the best thing in my career, it surely moulded me into a better developer. Currently I'm working with Reflektive, on react ecosystem.

I mostly use React/Vue/ReactNative for making apps these days also big fan of GraphQl 🔥. Beyond JS, I have worked on Rails, Android and Node.JS. Occasionally I make open source contributions

Open Source Contributions 🌈

👉🏼 Ghost Blogging Platform - Fixed css responsive issue with Ghost.
👉🏼 EmberJs - Made EmeberJS blog responsive.
👉🏼 TodoMVC - Issue fix for todomvc example with Dijon framework.
👉🏼 Getstalt - Live Doc for components in Gestalt React UI framework.
👉🏼 GitLab (Closed) - Add validation while adding project members.

Résumé 📝 . LinkedIn 👨🏼‍✈️ . GitHub 🐙 . Dribble 🏀